5 Educational Careers – Choose the One That’s Right For You
If death and taxes are two things you can count on, jobs in education might be a close third. While every industry has been shaken by the financial earthquakes (and volcanoes and tsunamis) of the past 16 months, education has always been one to turn to for stability, longevity, and growth.
But what if you can’t imagine yourself in the front of a classroom? Besides teaching history to high schoolers and art to elementary students, there are a range of careers in the education industry that fit every personality type. Read on to find out more about education jobs (and how to earn the degree you need to get started).
If you’re good with young children…
Become an early childhood educator
More and more parents are starting their children’s education early, which means there are great opportunities for early childhood educators (also known as pre-school teachers). The U.S. Department of Labor is expecting 19% growth in this career though 2018. This job not only provides a steady income, but a chance to help develop and shape a young child’s education.
If you like helping people…
Become a school counselor
Teachers often have their hands full developing lesson plans and grading papers, so school counselors are the ones students can turn to if they’re having problems in school, with friends, or at home. And counselors don’t just wait for students to come to them; they take an active role in developing appropriate programming, monitoring student’s progress, and stepping in when something, either at school or at home, isn’t right.
If you like to be the boss…
Become a school administrator
There’s a lot more to any school than report cards and ABC’s. There’s someone who’s running the show-from developing educational policies to hiring teachers to enforcing school security and safety. That person is a school administrator. If you’re passionate about promoting education from an administrative end, this job might be right for you.
If you want to help those with special needs…
Become a special education teacher
Medical advancement and breakthroughs have allowed doctors and educators to diagnose learning disabilities much earlier than in the past. This means students are getting the help they need earlier on, which is driving the need for special education teachers. As a special education teacher, you’ll help students with mental, developmental, physical and emotional challenges learn and succeed in school.
If you’ve got a unique skill to teach…
Become a vocational teacher
Vocational teachers don’t just teach shop these days. From business and marketing to personal finance to health, today’s vocational teachers give students the skills they need to start their own business, take control of their finances, or maintain their health.
Ready to get started?
A career in education may be closer than you think. Whether you need to get started with an Associate’s degree or build out your resume with a Master’s degree, you can do it all online. Earning your degree online gives you flexibility and control over your schedule, so you can earn your degree on your timetable. To find out more, check out these educational career profiles.
Source by Noel Rozny