The Truth About Treating ADHD
Are you sick and tired of living with the symptoms of ADHD? Is the medication only good to a point and then the problems are ten times worse than before, until it is time for the next dose? Do you wish there was something else you could do, so life did not have to be so hard every day? Then, you need to know the truth about treating ADHD.
In truth, medication is only a small part of the solution to managing a chemical imbalance in the brain. Not only does the individual diagnosed need a more comprehensive ADHD treatment, the whole family benefits from programs specifically geared to treating ADHD.
For instance, ADHD treatment may include:
- Family Therapy
- Social Skills
- Psychotherapy
- Behavioral Therapy
- Support Groups
- Dietary Changes
In fact, other options may be available in your community. As more information is learned about the disorder, schools are developing programs to work with the parents and students to optimize learning potential. The special education is specifically geared to help these special needs children learn how to cope with the disorder, to be able to get better grades in school. For now, consider why these 6 therapies are some of the best in ADHD treatment available today.
Family therapy is imperative. Sadly, when a child has special needs, the entire family has been handicapped. In fact, many families break up or become dysfunctional under the strain. It is so important to understand that everyone in the household is suffering from the symptoms of ADHD and not just the one that has been diagnosed. Therefore, professional counseling can be very helpful. It is not a sign of weakness to seek support in treating ADHD.
Social Skills are definitely lacking in children who suffer from the chemical imbalance in the brain. Whether they cannot recognize the proper behavior, or they simply do not have the ability to adapt to life beyond their own little world is something to discuss with a professional. Proper ADHD treatment means doing everything that is necessary to gain control of the disorder, so it cannot control the individual. Learning social skills, having the lessons reinforced and discovering what is not acceptable to society is paramount.
Psychotherapy is great for validating the feelings of a person with ADHD. Imagine not fitting in, constantly getting into trouble for saying or doing the wrong thing, having a hard time learning in school, and lacking the ability to make lasting friendships with peers. Excellent ADHD treatment includes a venue for expressing emotions, problems and feelings without fear of judgment. It is a time to be accepted, warts and all.
Behavioral Therapy is important in treating ADHD. Parents and school professionals learn how to discipline and reward behaviors that will undoubtedly be displayed by a child who has the disorder. Positive reinforcements for appropriate behavior and expected consequences from negative behavior need to become a constant expectation, with no deviation.
Support groups are a great way to help cope with the challenges of ADHD. Again, treating ADHD is for everyone in the family. So, the group may be for the loved ones of people who have been diagnosed. However, it can also be a place where those with the disability can feel accepted and understood.
Dietary changes are also an important alternative therapy for many families. While no two diets are exactly the same, neither is treating ADHD the same for every patient. However, parents and sufferers claim to have benefitted by eliminating foods from the diet that may cause the symptoms to be more pronounced. In addition, sugar, caffeine, processed foods and fast food have been sacrificed for a diet of home-cooked meals free of these ingredients or additives.
In conclusion, treating ADHD involves much more than simply going to the pediatrician and getting a prescription to control negative behavioral attributes. Only people who live with the disorder on a daily basis can truly understand the challenges that every sunrise brings. It is a family disorder and everyone in the house needs the knowledge and skills to cope, so life can be a blessing again.
Source by Tina Matsunaga