Ensuring Success on the First Day of Preschool
Transition Your Child Successfully on Their First Day of Preschool – 5 Tips
The first day of preschool is a day filled with anticipation, excitement and sometimes anxiety for children and their parents. These 5 tips from an Early Childhood Professional are to ensure your child’s success on their first day of school. There are important things parents can do well before the actual first day of school to set their child up for a successful experience:
1. Two months before the preschool program begins, spend time with your child at the library or local bookstore, reading age appropriate books about children in a school setting. Focus on talking about some of the positives in regards to preschool. For example, showing pictures in the book of children painting, playing on the play ground, etc. Have an open ended discussion with your child about what kids do when they are at school and focus on how wonderful and fun it can be!
2. Continue the discussions with your child about school for the next month before the program begins. Drive them over to the preschool where he or she will be attending. See if there is a way for you to have your child meet the teacher before the program begins.
3. Some Early Childhood programs are open to a gradual transition process. For example, you may go with your child for 45 minutes one day. The child may stay for an hour themselves for 2 days, then for two hours the next, finally building up to 1/2 a day. If you suggest this transition schedule to the center director, they may be willing to work with you and come up with a personalized transition plan for your child.
4. Get the list of parent’s phone numbers from the center director for the preschool program. Schedule a play date at a local park with some of your child’s new classmates before school starts. Your child will feel more comfortable knowing that they already have made friends from their new preschool class. Continue with reading the books about school at home. Also draw pictures with your child pertaining to children taking part in preschool activities, for example, friends playing in the sandbox, with blocks, dress-up, etc. Help your child to draw a picture of themselves enjoying their first day of school.
5. On the first day of school, feel confident that you have taken several of these background steps to ensure your child’s success on their first day. Its essential to stay positive and calm. Make it fun! Allow your child to help pick out his or her outfit that morning. On the drive to school, remind your child about the exciting things they will be doing during their first school day. When dropping off, help the child settle in and put their items in their cubby. Help engage them with an activity or at a learning center with new friends. Then, tell them you will see them soon and to have a great day! Tears are normal during the first week of the transition process. It is better to not linger in the classroom after saying goodbye because it gives mixed signals, the Early Childhood Teacher will take it from there.
Following the steps above will ensure your child has a successful first day of preschool!
Source by Kim Quigley