Dads To Be – Dealing With Concerns and Fears
Congrats, you’re going to be a father. It is definitely a huge, life changing event. If you haven’t yet realized, changes are going to come, but that’s nothing to be afraid of. Although, new responsibilities are at hand and you do have to care for a new life, it’s an exciting time.
Fatherhood certainly represents a period of transition. Times are a’changin, as the old tune goes. It’s very common for new fathers to experience a complete theme park ride of feelings; the truth is that it’s not just new or expectant mothers who are feeling emotionally charged. Coming into fatherhood means you’re experiencing a whole new world and it may often become hard to come to grips with all the changes.
Being a brand new dad means that changes are in store; life as you knew it is over.
Of course, with these changes, there’s a whole lot of anxieties too. No one is perfectly calm and collected when a new life is on the way. It’s absolutely normal to experience these sorts of fears and worries. Psychologists actually say that the majority of men have concerns about becoming new fathers.
Although it may indeed be a rather taxing time, the best way to get over these fears is to confront them head on.
Some widespread fears that tend to plague new fathers and fathers to be include, money, health and life changes.
A somewhat chief problem or issue that tends to come about when a new baby is being brought into the home is money. Pocketbooks do get tighter with a new child. Most new parents will probably spend at least $10,000 in the first year alone.
A young child needs diapers, special food, medical attention, clothes, toys, and the list goes on. It’s not exactly cheap to raise a child; but keep in mind too, that expenses can easily be reeled in. A budget needs to be made and stuck to. Of course, there will be some things that you have to give up, going out on the town, for instance, or getting new cars and gadgets may have to hold off. But remember too, that all a baby really needs is love.
Yet another topical worry or apprehension that many new fathers face concerns itself with health. Fathers and mothers are alike are worried about whether or not their child will born without any serious afflictions. A lot of things could go wrong. The question of what happens should your child suffer from an incurable disease or disorder is on every parent’s mind. The facts should, however be more than reassuring; the overwhelming majority of children around 97% are born without any significant health concerns whatsoever. The only thing a parent needs to concentrate on is how to give the best love and care to their child. Positive thoughts are essential.
Yet another apprehension that tends to distress all new fathers and fathers to be is the fear of being an inadequate or bad parent. It is, of course, a very common fear. Yet, the mere fact of being worried simply reinforces the reality that you will be a good father. Caring goes a long way.
Love is what matters. All good fathers simply need to give a whole lot of love.
Source by Damian Papworth