How Can Child Labor Be Eradicated?
A few days back British clothing company Primark has dropped three Indian suppliers after a BBC investigation revealed that the manufacturing units were using child labor. A year before Gap also found child labor being used by one of its suppliers in India. Such reports and revelation shock the entire human community and the general reaction is: let’s not buy their products which will teach them a lesson. But one also needs to think about the fact that why and how these children got into this work.
Poverty is the main reason which pushes these children to start working at such an early age. By working they will earn some thing which can be used to increase the earnings of the family. The statements that these suppliers make in defense that the parents bring their kids to work, and sometimes out of curiosity the kids take up the work, though they sound ridiculous, such statements are not total falsehoods. No, this writer is not defending the culprits. Sometimes the parents do try and get there kids job at these factories if the chance is offered, because the first thing that is in their mind is to run their family, get the money for buying the essential commodities. More members of the family working more the better. Hence starts the vicious cycle of child labor with poverty.
It’s been discussed for a long time that India is making economic progress but is the market development is creating an all round effect. The government of this country needs to ensure that the market prosperity must be percolating down the social order. And evils like child labor should be eradicated as soon as possible.
The process of making poverty history will begin with investing the future of the country in the children including the poor children who start working at early age. Giving proper education to the children of the country should be the top priority. Education is the key that will empower them to not only decide the future for themselves but their decisions will also bear positive effect on the fortunes of the country. Their work capacity and quality will improve with proper education and they too will lead a dignified life.
Special Education society needs to be set up which will provide free education to those children coming from economically backward families. Not just free education these societies must also provide all other facilities and fulfill the requirements for free like books clothes, stationary, convenience etc to send a child to school, so that their poor parents should have no worries about spending any thing on their schooling. Such child development programs are run by the government but those seeking these services outnumber the service providing agency’s capacity. Charitable organizations and trusts need to come forward to provide such services along with the governmental agencies working towards eradicating child labor and working on various child development programs.
Charitable trusts like Guru Nanak Garib Niwaj Education Society are set up by individual person like Baba Amar Singhji, work to help the poor children attain a dignified life. If you are vowing to not to buy from brands whose manufacturers use child labor? Then you can donate that amount for such child development programs run by charitable institutions.
Source by Sanjeev Jha