House Removal Tips for Every Home
When you are set to move house and you are doing some of the packing yourself you need to be quite realistic about what you can get accomplished before moving day. It is quite surprising just how long it takes to pack things. Especially considering you should probably pack items after they have been dusted instead of unpacking them in the new home and then dusting them. And if items have been on a shelf for a long time they may be quite dusty.
If you overload yourself and you family during a house removal you will just add to their stress too. Give yourself enough time to get all of the sorting and packing done so you are simply waiting on the house removal labor on moving day.
While you are doing the sorting you may also be planning a garage sale. Make sure you hold this long enough in advance so it does not interfere with your packing up of the home. A house removal takes time so give it the time it needs.
A tip if you have children is to let them pack a special box with some of their special things be it clothes or toys or a favorite pillow. Then let them decorate the box and have them put their name on it. You might also put a small present in the box for them to find when they unpack it. Then tell the movers these boxes are priority and are one of the first items that need to be removed from the moving truck. This will give your children something to anticipate when they arrive at the new home.
If you are planning to have the house removal personnel move any plants you will need to prepare them for the journey. If you have plants that will not make the journey give them to a neighbor before they die on their trip. If you want to move plants then you should let them have as much sun as possible before the move. Also you should prune them back as much sun as possible and reduce feeding them before the move. Water them the day of the move and put them well wrapped in a box to stabilize them. They may stand a chance of getting there alive.
If you are packing your own electronics such as computers or stereo systems you will need to remember to keep each component from each unit together. You can tape them together or wrap them up together but make sure they stay with the unit. Using the wrong cable or cord may damage a unit. It seems that many of the plugs and so forth look similar and they are not well labeled with the units name. You can be double safe by using a black marker on the electric cord and mark it with the unit name like HP scanner or a model number. This way all of your components will be with the correct unit after the move.