Meet The Baby Cubby Bloggers: Lindsey
The Baby Cubby is lucky to have a team of talented bloggers who are dedicated to creating a community that supports families of all types. In their posts, they share knowledge, advice, tips, and personal experiences on parenting, motherhood, relationships, and being a woman in the modern world–all in an effort to help readers feel seen, heard, understood, and supported in their own journeys.
We want to introduce you to the faces behind the posts, so today let’s get to know a little bit about Lindsey!
What is your background?
I was born in Idaho and am the second of four kids. My dad is a fourth generation farmer, so we spent a lot of time playing outside in the country and swimming in the small ditch outside my grandmother’s home. Growing up, I was always a lover of books and of school. I had some pretty incredible teachers that helped me discover what things I was truly interested in–from my AP lit teacher that made me fall in love with classic literature and writing, to my AP biology teacher that encouraged me to pursue a career in the sciences.
After high school, I went to Utah State University, where I majored in human biology. Beyond the classes my degree offered, there were a handful of topics that interested me, so I decided to minor in chemistry and infant and child development so that I could take additional courses in those fields. I also took additional elective courses in ASL (American sign language) and marriage and family therapy, fields I wish I could have pursued further. My opportunities at USU have truly helped me be a better wife and mom, even though I decided not to use my degree in the way I originally intended.
Tell us about your family:
My husband and I met while at USU and instantly became best friends. We will have been married for 8 years this summer. We currently have 2 kids: a 5-year-old little girl and 2-year-old boy.
Why do you like writing for the blog? And why do you think it matters?
After graduating and having our first baby, I knew that what I wanted most was to be a stay-at-home mom. But in the weeks and months after she was born, I found myself feeling depressed and disconnected from the world. It was at this time that I got a job teaching English online, a job that served as an outlet for me and gave me a greater sense of fulfillment, purpose, and joy.
Unfortunately, due to new laws in China, foreign teachers were no longer able to teach the students there. Right around this same time, I was given the opportunity to become a writer for The Baby Cubby Blog, which has proven to be one of the biggest blessings in my life. Family will always be my number one priority, but having an outlet where I can be creative and feel connected to others has been so beneficial for me.
The blog allows me to share my experiences with others, share in other’s struggles and difficulties, and let people know they’re not alone. People need to feel understood, and I truly feel like the blog does that for so many people!
What are some of your favorite things?
Food: I love a good Pad Thai, but I’m always up for some Buffalo Wild Wings as well!
Movie/TV Show: I am a big Star Wars and Marvel nerd, so anything that falls within those genres. But you can also find me watching Seinfeld or Gilmore Girls often as well.
Hobby: Exercising has always been an outlet and stress reliever for me. I was a ballet dancer growing up, but now I mostly enjoy group exercise classes like yoga, HIGH fitness and Body Pump. I also love to read and play the piano when I have time.
Baby Cubby Brand: I honestly love every brand we carry, but some of my favorites would have to be Baby Jogger, Nuna, Mebie Baby, Promptly Journals, Cuddle + Kind, Little Unicorn, and Tonies!
What do you think are the best and hardest parts of motherhood?
For me, the hardest part about motherhood has been learning to have patience, whether that’s with my own children or myself. I have had to learn how to parent while navigating my struggles with chronic pain, anxiety and depression, and have learned how important it is to give myself grace. When I mess up, my kids are always so quick to forgive, and sometimes I need to remember to forgive myself as well. As long as we continue to try to improve, that’s really all that matters.
And despite the challenges that come with being a parent, I’ve found that nothing else in life brings me more joy than being a mom. I will always love watching and sharing in my kids’ excitement when they learn something new or overcome their own personal battles and challenges.
Motherhood has also taught me that we can learn some of the best lessons from children, as my kids are often the first to apologize, forgive, and uplift others when they are down.