All About Convertible Car Seats! – The Baby Cubby
There is a lot to learn when you become a new mom. From how to breastfeed and change a diaper to learning all there is to know about baby gear, making the transition to parenthood can be overwhelming! Some of these things we really can’t learn until we’re in the thick of parenting, but when it comes to infant safety, learning everything we can even before that baby is placed into your arms is SO vital! And without a doubt one of the most important things to gain a full understanding of is how to use car seats correctly!
For me, car seat safety is a non-negotiable. Most of us get into cars on a daily basis. Whether it’s to run to the store, drop our kids off at daycare or school, or make a trip to the library or park, we will likely be putting our kids in the car most days. And with countless cars on the road and many dangerous drivers out there, accidents are bound to happen.
Unfortunately, babies and toddlers are extremely susceptible in these situations due to their small, still developing bodies. As a result, car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in young children. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2021, about 445 children were injured and 3 children were killed every single day in traffic accidents. When looking specifically at passenger deaths, 40% of the children that were killed weren’t even restrained!
This is why using a car seat correctly is so important. In fact, using a car seat or booster can reduce the risk of injury by 71-82% compared to just using a seat belt! And this starts with using the right type of car seat for your specific child! But with so many different types of car seats, it can be challenging to know where to even start.
That’s why we are here to share the facts with you! Because with just a bit of info on the topic, you can feel confident that you’re doing everything you can to keep your little one safe in the car. And that starts with one of the most commonly used car seats and one that every parent will use at some point–the convertible car seat!
Nuna RAVA Convertible Car Seat
What is a Convertible Car Seat?
To start out, it’s important to have an in-depth understanding of exactly what a convertible car seat is and how it differs from other car seats on the market. Simply put, a convertible car seat is one that can be used both rear-facing and forward-facing. In most cases, this allows you to use a single car seat for several years, as most are compatible to use from birth through early childhood!
Infant car seats, on the other hand, are fairly short-term in use, but they do provide excellent convenience in the first year of life. This is because they can be removed from the car seat base, toted around, and can even clip into a stroller to make a travel system. Convertible car seats do NOT do this because there is not a car seat base that the car seat clicks into. Although this removes some convenience that infant car seats provide, as your child grows, they will become too heavy to leave in the car seat every time you get out of the car anyways. And even if you do get an infant car seat to start out with, you will have to buy a convertible car seat once your child outgrows the infant car seat.
To prevent themselves from having to buy more than one car seat, some people choose to use a convertible car seat from birth, which is totally acceptable as long as your particular child fits within the usage limits of that specific car seat. This is because, as stated previously, convertible car seats can be installed rear-facing. In addition, they are always equipped with a 5-point harness.
A 5-point harness has a chest clip and a buckle that goes between their legs. This is especially important for young kids and is the biggest difference between a convertible car seat and a high-back booster seat (which looks similar to a convertible car seat in forward-facing mode, but uses the vehicle seat belt instead). For young children, the 5-point harness keeps a child in the seat MUCH more effectively in a car crash. This is because, when children are small, they can “submarine” or “slide” under the waist buckle during a car accident. This can cause great harm to a child.
Some convertible car seats will also convert into a high-back or backless booster, allowing you to use the same seat for up to 10 years. If you want something like this, look for a car seat that is “all-in-one” or mentions a booster mode. Regardless, convertible car seats should give you several years of use, especially if you use them from infancy instead of buying an infant car seat.
Convertible Car Seat Overview:
Usage: From infancy through childhood
Can be installed rear- or forward-facing
Stays installed in the vehicle at all times (cannot click into a stroller or be toted around)
Have a 5 point harness to more effectively keep small children restrained
Some convert to backless or high-back booster seat
When to Transition to a Convertible Car Seat
If you started out with an infant car seat, knowing when to transition to a convertible car seat can be confusing. And although we’d love to offer a simple answer, when to transition will depend completely upon YOUR child and YOUR car seat. This is because some children are smaller and can remain in their infant car seat a little longer, while some are larger and will outgrow their seat quicker. Every infant car seat also has different weight or height limits, so you will have to familiarize yourself with your car seat manual so you know what to look for.
In general, it never hurts to transition your child to a convertible car seat in rear-facing mode if you’re unsure. Again, most convertible car seats are built to be used from birth, so if your infant car seat is getting too heavy or you think your child is probably reaching those weight/height limits, go ahead and make the transition. One tip is to transition your child once the top of their head is within an inch of the top of the infant car seat or by the time they turn one. This is pretty standard for when most companies will recommend transitioning (and will likely align with the weight/height limits as well).
And of course, if the car seat you are using is expired, that is another time when you will want to purchase a new convertible car seat.
Transition to a convertible car seat when/if…
Your child maxes out the weight or height limits of their infant car seat (whichever comes first)
Your child is getting too heavy to tote around in your infant car seat
They reach their first birthday (even if they haven’t reached the height/weight limits)
Your infant car seat or the convertible car seat you’re currently using has expired
For more detailed info on this topic, check out our blog, Transitioning to a Convertible Car Seat, at babycubby.com.
Clek Fllo Convertible Car Seat
How To Pick a Convertible Car Seat
Whether you are starting out with a convertible car seat from day one, or making the transition once your child outgrows his infant car seat, picking out the right convertible car seat is so important. But it can be extremely challenging, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. That’s why it’s important to decide what is a priority for you, as every car seat varies in features.
Here are some things you will want to consider when picking out a convertible car seat, as looking at these things will help you narrow down your options exceedingly!
Although convertible car seats are already designed for longer use as they allow for rear- and forward-facing, some convertible car seats have features that allow for even longer use. For example, some convertible car seats are all-in-one, meaning they convert to a booster after your child has gone through both rear- and forward- facing modes.
In addition, some convertible car seats have extended or adjustable leg-rests, additional harness and headrest heights, and crotch buckle positions. These features are great for those that want to use the same car seat for their child for their entire childhood, and may be important features for you to look for if that’s the case.
On the other hand, if you are planning to pass your convertible car seat on to your next child and get a larger seat as your older child grows, longevity in your individual car seat may not be quite as important to you.
Questions to ask yourself:
Do I want to be able to use the same car seat for as long as possible to prevent myself from having to buy several different gear items?
Are my kids taller than average?
Will I be passing my convertible car seat on to my younger child?
Features to look for if you want a long-term use convertible car seat:
All-in-one car seat that can be used from birth through booster
Long expiration date (look for something that won’t expire for about 10 years)
Additional harness heights and headrest positions
Higher weight and height capacity
Leg rests (Like the Nuna Exec)
Nuna EXEC Convertible Car Seat
Another important thing to examine is your lifestyle. Not only do convertible car seats range in weight, but they vary in their ease of installation as well! So if you travel a lot or will be moving the car seat frequently between different vehicles, you’re going to want something that’s lightweight and a breeze to install without error. In these cases, finding something with a belt lock-off system is always great, as this features helps ensure a tight and quick install using the vehicle seat belt. And if you travel by airplane frequently, make sure the product you purchase is certified for usage in an aircraft.
Another thing you’re going to want to look at is your specific vehicle and family. If you have a large family and a small car, you will be limited in options, as slim-fit car seats are more difficult to find. However, there are some excellent options, such as the Diono Radian 3RXT Safe+ or Clek Fllo, that can fit 3 side-by-side in most vehicles.
Diono Radian 3RXT Safe+
When you’re looking at your vehicle to decide what may or may not work, pull out your vehicle manual and familiarize yourself with the installation mechanisms.
For example, find where the lower latch connectors and top tether attachments are. If you’re thinking about installing 3 seats side-by-side, you will also need to take a look at how the middles seat belts attach. Most cars will not have lower anchors in the middle seat, meaning you’d have to install using the vehicle seat belts. If the vehicle seat belts have to cross in order to buckle them, this isn’t considered safe.
You also want to make sure the car seats don’t overlap, and make sure each one is securely installed independent of the others (no bracing the middle car seat against the others to keep it tight.)
Some questions to ask yourself when looking at lifestyle may include:
How big are the seats in my vehicle?
Will I be traveling a lot?
Will I be moving the car seat between vehicles frequently?
Do I currently need or will I need to fit more than one car seat side by side in my car?
Lifestyle features to look for:
When buying anything, your budget will likely determine what options you have to choose from. So when picking a convertible car seat, sit down and decide what you can afford. Don’t overspend or put yourself into unnecessary debt just to get a fancy car seat. There are always great and safe options to fit every budget!
If you have a strict budget, pinpoint what features are most important to you. What things are non-negotiable for you? Some opt to spend less on other baby things in order to get the car seat that they feel will work best. This can be a good way to still get everything you need, but still get that car seat you’re hoping for.
One of our favorite more affordable convertible car seats is the Maxi Cosi Pria! It’s an all-in-one car seat for extended length of use, with lots of safety and comfort features for little ones!
And remember, if you’re struggling to find something within your budget that fits your needs, reach out to us here at The Baby Cubby and we can help you find the perfect seat!
Maxi Cosi Pria Convertible Car Seat
Child Comfort
Kids can get extremely grumpy in the car! Which is why it’s important to look for child comfort features when selecting an infant car seat! When my little girl was almost 2, I purchased an extremely lightweight car seat for travel. Although this would work for our travel needs, I found that she was MISERABLE in the seat. This was because, to make the seat as lightweight as possible, the company skimped on practically every child comfort feature. Now, I always look for extra padding to ensure a comfortable ride for my kiddos.
Some excellent child comfort features to look for include:
Ventilation within the car seat shell to prevent overheating
Head rest/supports
Additional padding throughout the body of the car seat
Cup holders
Included infant inserts
Adjustable leg rests
Greater seat depth, width and length
UPPAbaby KNOX Convertible Car Seat
Child Safety
Safety is why we buy and use car seats in the first place. And although car seats that are sold in the US have to meet certain safety requirements in order to be put on the market, it’s important to realize that some brands go ABOVE and beyond, providing features and using materials that will protect your child that much more.
From Greenguard Gold certified and flame-retardant free fabrics from brands like Nuna that prevent your child from breathing in and being exposed to harmful chemicals, to anti-rebound bars, side-impact protection pods and high-end foam that give added stability and energy absorption during car accidents, some convertible car seats are just that much more effective at their jobs than others!
Child safety features to look for:
Greenguard Gold certified and flame-retardent free fabrics
Side-impact protection pods
High-end, energy absorbing foam, such as EPS or EPP foam
Adjustable recline for safer positioning
Anti-rebound bar to prevent rotation during accidents
Belt lock offs for tight and secure installations
Bubble or red-to-green indicators that show if you’ve installed the car seat correctly
Load leg for added stability and shock absorption (Cybex Sirona S is one of the few convertible car seats with this feature!)
Technology that alerts parent if child is too hot, becomes unbuckled, or was left in the car (Cybex SensorSafe car seats do just that!)
Cybex Sirona S Convertible Car Seat
Parent’s Needs/Convenience
And finally, I find it extremely important to look at the parent’s needs when determining what convertible car seat you should purchase. Remember, you will be using this car seat for years, so it needs to be something that not only fits your children’s needs, but yours as well!
If you’re short, for example, lifting kids into and out of their convertible car seat can be difficult, especially if you have a larger car. So finding a convertible car seat with lower sides or even something that rotates towards you can make life that much easier for you!
Rotating car seats are truly some of the best for parent convenience. However, if you will need to install car seats side-by-side, a rotating seat will not work for you, as they require additional space for turning. (Also keep in mind that some rotating car seats ONLY rotate when in rear facing mode, but not in forward facing mode.)
No-rethread harnesses and easy to install seats are also key features to look for when considering parent convenience, as these make it easier to adjust your child’s car seat as they grow without fuss.
Convenience features to look for:
No-rethread harness so that you don’t have to uninstall the car seat to make adjustments
One-step, easy to adjust headrest
Ability to rotate for easier in and out
Buckle holders to keep the harness out of the way when placing the child in the car
Removable and machine-washable fabrics
Baby Jogger City Turn Rotating Convertible Car Seat
Installing & Using a Convertible Car Seat
When it’s time to install your convertible car seat, your car seat manual is going to be your BEST friend! Although most convertible car seats are pretty similar in their installation methods, every car seat will have some variations due to differences in mechanisms used.
No matter which car seat you go with, you want to be certain you are installing that puppy correctly to ensure it’s doing its job properly! Sadly, studies have shown that this is often not the case! One study performed by AAA found that over 50% of car seats show some sort of installation or usage error that could lead to child injury or death. And the rates among new parents are MUCH higher. So read your car seat manual and find a Certified Passenger Safety Technician in your area to make sure your car seat is installed properly. If you’re local to our store in Utah, come see us! We have certified techs at our store to assist you!
In addition, here are some safety tips so you know the basics of how to properly install that seat!
Before installing your car seat, consult your vehicle manual. Reading your vehicle manual will show you exactly where lower anchors and top tether attachments are for both rear- and forward- facing installations. It will also give you info on which seats in your car will be safest for install.
After you’ve decided where in your car you’d like to install your car seat, pull out your car seat manual and read it thoroughly. Although you may think you can do it without reading the instructions (especially if you’ve had kids before), every car seat is different and there may be important safety details you don’t want to miss!
Most car seat manuals will offer instructions on how to install with the LATCH system as well as the vehicle seat belt. Although some believe LATCH is always better, this is not always the case. The BEST installation method will always be the one that allows you to get a safe and secure install. But keep in mind, most car seats have different weight capacities for LATCH versus seat belt installation. And in most cases, your child will reach the LATCH capacity way sooner than the seat belt installation. So read your manual and make sure you install using the seat belt if your child is bigger.
Safety reminders for car seat installation:
Make sure the car seat doesn’t move more than 1 inch in either direction at the belt path once it’s installed.
If installing with the vehicle seat belt, remember to lock off the seat belt after the car seat is installed by pulling the seat belt all the way out and releasing it.
Do not put more than one LATCH connector into a single lower LATCH anchor. You can NOT share a lower latch attachment point between two car seats.
If installing forward facing, ALWAYS attach the top tether to prevent the top of your child’s car seat from moving forward during an accident.
Double check your weight limits for your car seat when installed with LATCH or seat belt. LATCH will almost always have a lower weight capacity!
Make sure the car seat is flush and centered in the vehicle seat. Make sure it’s not tilted up or angled weird from the shape of the vehicle seat.
In forward-facing mode, remove the vehicle head rests if they’re pushing the car seat forward or preventing your car seat from sitting flush against the vehicle seat back.
Rear-facing Mode
Why should my child be rear-facing?
Many states are now requiring children to remain rear facing until at least 2 years old. And although you may be tempted to flip your child forward facing as soon as you can, it’s really important that you don’t. In fact, most experts recommend keeping children rear-facing as long as you possibly can. In the past few years, more and more research has shown that keeping a child rear-facing for as long as possible drastically reduces the risk of severe injuries and death. One recent study showed that it can even reduce this risk by a whopping 92%!
This is because, in the majority of accidents, the child’s body will be pushed towards the front of the vehicle. If a child is rear-facing, their body is stopped by the back of the car seat. Due to the amount of energy absorbing foam in the car seat, those crash forces are absorbed by the car seat instead of by your child’s body. If a child is forward-facing, their body is only stopped by the car seat harness. The harness, unfortunately, doesn’t provide much energy absorption. Instead, your child’s internal organs and chest are absorbing most of that. For young kids, especially, this can be extremely dangerous.
It’s also important to remember that infants, toddlers and young children still have very large and heavy heads compared to the rest of their body. If they are forward-facing, their large head will be thrown forward at an extreme force. And since the bones in their spine are not fully hardened and their head is so heavy, the spinal cord is more likely to stretch during that forward motion. Even a small amount of stretch from the forward thrust can lead to paralysis or death.
So keep those littles rear-facing!
Isn’t my toddler uncomfortable rear-facing, though?
You may think your child is uncomfortable with their legs crossed or hanging off the edges of the car seat, but it’s important to remember how much more flexible children are than adults.
When looking for a convertible car seat, always look for something that has a deeper seat and possibly even an anti-rebound bar or adjustable footrest (such as the Nuna EXEC). These mechanisms often give greater space for a child’s legs that allow for extended rear-facing.
And remember, they’ve never been forward-facing before, so they don’t know any different. If you worry your child is unhappy in their car, they may just need a more comfortable seat. You can also try installing a mirror or having their favorite books or toys for them to enjoy during car rides.
In my book, safety is always the most important thing!
When placing your child into a rear-facing car seat:
Use your car seat manual to ensure everything has been installed correctly.
Use newborn supports and inserts for small infants, and remove them as soon as they outgrow them.
The top of the harness needs to be at or slightly BELOW the infants shoulders.
Make sure you have a proper recline. Younger infants will be reclined more while older children can be more upright.
Position the chest clip so the top is lined up with the child’s armpit. If the chest clip is too low, injuries to the internal organs could occur in the event of a crash.
Make sure you don’t have any slack on the sides of the legs. If those straps are too loose around the legs, the child could slide down which can lead to a myriad of safety issues!
Perform the “pinch test” by attempting to pinch the shoulder portion of the buckle between your fingers. If you are able to do so, the harness is not tight enough.
Watch this video for an excellent tutorial on how to ensure you have a properly tightened harness for rear-facing children!
Forward-facing Mode
Once you know your child is ready for forward-facing mode, it’s time to once again pull out your car seat manual to ensure you’re installing your specific car seat properly. Make sure to use the 5-point harness as long as your car-seat allows, and don’t transition to booster mode too soon. Otherwise, your child could “submarine” (or slide) under the vehicle seat belt during a crash and be severely injured.
When placing your child into a forward-facing seat:
Read your manual for proper installation instructions.
Make sure your child fits within the weight and height range for forward-facing mode.
ALWAYS install using the top tether to keep the top of the car seat from moving forward during an accident.
Make sure the top of the chest clip aligns with your child’s armpit.
Check for and remove any slack in the harness around your child’s legs.
Perform the pinch test just as you did with rear-facing to ensure the harness is tight enough. You shouldn’t be able to pinch the harness at the child’s shoulders.
Make sure the harness is at or slightly ABOVE your child’s shoulders.
Optional: Booster Mode
Although it’s not standard, some convertible car seats DO allow you to use them even beyond the time your child outgrows the forward-facing 5-point harness limits for your seat! Some convert to a high-back booster, where you will remove the harness and just use the vehicle seat belt, while some will even allow you to remove the back portion of the car seat, transforming your seat into a backless booster.
If this is the case for your convertible car seat, NEVER start using the booster mode until your child has completely maxed out forward-facing limits, as the 5-point harness is much more secure than the vehicle seat.
When using the booster mode of your convertible car seat, make sure to pull out your car seat manual and read through the info and installation instructions. In general, make sure the lap portion of the vehicle seat belt is snug and secure across your child’s lap (not across their belly/abdomen), and that the chest portion of the seat belt does not cut into their neck. Many high-back boosters will have a guide that prevents the seat belt from doing this, so check your manual to see if this is a feature with your car seat.
Booster mode overview:
Only use once child has MAXED out forward-facing mode with the 5-point harness.
Position lap seat belt securely and snuggly across the child’s lap.
Ensure the chest portion of the vehicle seat belt does not cut into your child’s neck.
Don’t let your child position the vehicle seat belt under his/her arm pit.
Encourage your child to sit up tall and to not slouch down into the seat (which can again lead to submarining in the event of a car accident)
Maxi Cosi Pria All-in-One Convertible Car Seat
Additional Tips for Safe Convertible Car Seat Usage
Register your car seat as soon as you receive it. That way, you will be aware of any recalls on your specific car seat.
Limit your child’s amount of time in their car seat and don’t leave them in a car seat to sleep for extended periods of time.
Don’t buy a used car seat! (Even if the seller “claims” it’s never been in an accident, you truly never know. Plus, car seats can wear down over time, and you don’t know how well the previous owner cared for the seat).
Replace your car seat once it’s expired (plastic wears down and becomes brittle with time, so NEVER use an expired seat!)
Follow care instructions in your car seat manual to prevent unnecessary damage.
Don’t put your child in the car seat when wearing coats or thick clothing! (This is extremely dangerous as it prevents the harness from being tight enough, and your child could actually be ejected from the car seat.)
Don’t use third-party car seat accessories or products, as they haven’t been tested for safety with your specific car seat and can actually prevent your car seat from doing its job properly
Always have a certified child passenger safety tech check for a proper install!
ALWAYS read and use your car seat manual!
Britax One4Life ClickTight All-In-One Car Seat
FAQ’s About Convertible Car Seats
Can I use a convertible car seat from birth?
Depending on the car seat-yes! Many convertible car seats can be used from birth! However, it all depends on the specific car seat.
Every convertible car seat goes through its own independent testing in order to be sold in the US. Some car seats have been tested and found safe for lower weight limits, while some have not been tested at those lower thresholds. If your child is premature or very small, you will want to see if the convertible car seat you want can safely be used for your child’s weight.
Some convertible car seats cannot be used from birth right out of the box, such as the Clek Foonf. This car seat, for example, has a rear-facing range of 14 to 50 pounds. If you buy Clek’s infant insert (the Infant Thingy), however, you can use it from birth. But this piece is sold separately.
Most brands will include their infant inserts with the purchase of your car seat, allowing you to use the seat from birth, but always check before buying!
Can convertible car seats be used with strollers?
No. Convertible car seats can NOT be used with a stroller. Convertible car seats don’t have a handle for carrying, and they do not detach from a car seat base; they will stay installed in the car at all times.
If you want something for your infant that can click into a stroller, you’ll want to start with an infant car seat and transition to a convertible car seat in rear-facing mode once they outgrow the infant seat or when they hit age one (whichever comes first).
How long can I use my convertible car seat?
Convertible car seats are great because they can be used for years. However, exactly how long you can use it depends on your specific car seat. In general, though, you should be able to use your convertible car seat from infancy through the first few years of life (normally about 4 years).
Some convertible car seats can be used longer, as they are designed with more head positions and harness heights for taller children, and some will convert into a booster for use through their entire childhood.
Do I HAVE to use the top tether when installing my car seat forward-facing?
YES! You should ALWAYS use the top tether! This keeps the top half of you car seat from moving forward in the event of a crash, which could lead to unnecessary injury for your child.
Is LATCH or seat belt installation better?
It’s a myth that using the LATCH system in your car is always better than seat belt installation. Although it’s secure and easy to install using the LATCH, the BEST install is what works for your car and that you can do properly every time. For example, you may not have LATCH connectors in the seat you will be installing your car seat, meaning you’d have to install with the vehicle seat belt for a safe install.
It’s also important to note that even for the same car seat, the weight limits can vary between LATCH and seat belt installation. In car seats where this is the case, the seat belt installation will have greater weight capacity than the LATCH system. In some cases, your child may outgrow the LATCH weight limit MUCH sooner than they would the seat belt install. So it’s important to read your manual to determine which install will be best.
What convertible car seat is the best?
Unfortunately, there’s no “best” car seat. The best car seat for you will depend entirely on your lifestyle and your child.
In addition, the “best” car seat will always be the one that YOU can confidently and effectively install and use safely every single time. If a car seat is too complex for you, even if it has all the bells and whistles, it will no be the best option for you.
Just keep in mind, that although all car seats sold in the US are tested and must meet certain safety regulations, some car seats will be equipped and designed in a way that will protect your child even better, such as better shock-absorbing foam throughout the shell to anti-rebound bars and more. So look into these details when selecting a car seat that works for you.
Britax Marathon ClickTight Convertible Car Seat
Knowing how car seats work, how to install them, and especially, what to buy can be overwhelming! But being educated and learning the basics can ensure your little one is protected!
When you’re ready to find the PERFECT convertible car seat for you, come visit our store or contact us online! Not only will our certified Cubby moms look at your specific lifestyle- from the car you drive to the size of your child- but we will also ensure that our recommendations fit into YOUR budget! While some stores want to always sell their most expensive product, we strive to offer personalized shopping recommendations, which means finding the car seat that checks off all the boxes for you. We also offer a great rewards program, so shopping with us is always a great option!