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Best Strollers for Tall Kids ft. UPPAbaby — The Baby Cubby

As a mom of two kiddos, I’ll occasionally have friends and family ask me for advice on what baby items I love and which products I recommend. Although there is a list of baby gear items I have loved, I often add the disclaimer that every child and every family is different, so it’s important to think about your lifestyle and your children and how your needs may differ from mine.

With short kiddos that both fall below the 5th percentile for height, I’ve never had to think about tall kid compatibility when purchasing strollers. For some of my friends though, this is a VERY important aspect to keep in mind! The problem is, most people don’t even realize that seat heat can vary drastically from stroller to stroller. And very few strollers offer a height-adjustable canopy, a feature some extra-tall kids will need!

With this in mind, we took it into our own hands to measure and compare several of our strollers to see which ones have taller seat heights, making them tall-kid compatible! All around, UPPAbaby came in first, offering some of the best seat heights for single, double, and compact strollers! Let’s take a look at each of these strollers, and find out why they’d all make great strollers for tall kids!

Browse all of our strollers online at or come visit us in store where you can test drive many of our strollers before you buy!

And don’t forget, we offer free shipping on orders over $25! 

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