Elevating Your Child’s Hair Game (and Yours!) – The Baby Cubby
Having a daughter can be so much fun! I love all the accessories that come with having a girl, and I have loved watching my own daughter explore the world of all girly fun things. Since she was little I have loved accessorizing her, and the first thing I always went straight to was bows! I think we can all know that finding a bow that is both high quality and adorable can be hard. Well, it doesn’t have to be that way because I am here to tell you about High Fives–a brand that will ensure your daughter’s hair looks fabulous!
Each High Fives bow or clip comes in a variety of cute colors! They are the perfect solution to keep your kid’s hair out of their faces! They are delicately made and are incredibly comfortable. And I can personally vouch for that because seriously–who wants a pokey hard clip or bow that won’t also stay in place? Not your kids or you!
Here are some of my favorite High Five accessories:
Nylon Headbands: Stretchy and perfect for a newborn or little ones with not a lot of hair on their tiny beans, these headbands are super soft and ideal for their sensitive scalps as well!

Bow Clips: These clips are sturdy and perfect for girls with longer hair. Plus they actually stay in! These are one of my favorite ways to keep my daughter’s hair out of her face.

Mini Claw Clips: These tiny clips are only 0.8″ wide, but they’re perfect for little ones with a little bit of hair. They’re also a cute way to add some flare to their hair! They come in several different adorable sets as well!

Regular Claw Clip: These fun clips are 2.95 inches and perfect for holding large amounts of hair for your daughter and YOU! I personally love using mine because when I also don’t feel like doing anything fancy to my hair. I can still add a cute touch to it and leave the house feeling put together!

No more stressing for you about how to do your daughter’s hair (or yours)! HIgh Fives hair accessories are perfect for school, a fancy event, a holiday gift basket or a birthday gift! Complete any outfit with the perfect hair accessories by High Fives that will be sure to get everyone asking what brand they are! So cute, functional, affordable, and soft that will definitely be elevating their hair styles from now on!
To see more High Fives stop my our store or head over to BabyCubby.com to see more! Happy Shopping!