Overview of Hot Big Bang Cosmology – Theory of Early Development of Universe
Prevailing cosmological theory relating to the initial development of the universe, Hot Big Bang explains how the planet evolved through stages. Very hot at the beginning, the earth became cooler by expansion to a diluted state. In the hotter state it was dense and in cooler state due to expansion hydrosphere was created that covers 70% of the earth mass.
One of the unique features of such evolution pointed out by the cosmological theory is that earth still continues to expand as it gets cooler. At the same time the theory is supported through comprehensive as well as accurate explanations of scientific evidences and observations. Most recent measurements made using big bang theory is that initial hot conditions of earth took place around 13-14 billion years ago.
Proponent of the cosmological theory, Georges Lemaitre explained the origin of the universe through his theory. Called the “hypothesis of the primeval atom”, the theory borrowed heavily from the general relativity theory of Albert Einstein. Other components of the theory were simplifying assumptions like homogeneity as well as isotropy of space. Theories of Lemaitre of 1927 were later improved upon by Alexander Friedman and Edwin Hubble in 1929. They found out that distances to all the galaxies located far way are proportional to their corresponding redshifts. Such findings validated the epic findings of Lemaitre.
Essence of theory is that every distant galaxy and their clusters have apparent velocity that is directly away from the vantage points. As the distance grows, velocity grows proportionately as well. Galaxies that have floated apart were nearer in the distant past. Experimentations made with particle accelerators confirmed this theory of extreme density and temperature.
Like all other theories, the hot big bang theory has also its downsides. For instance, the accelerators used for the experimentations have limited capacity of probing into very high energy regimes. While the theory explains quite convincingly the evolutions after the initial condition of the planet and the universe, it does not explain the initial condition or how it came up.
Yet all said and done, the observations made by the inventors of this cosmological theory match calculated predictions closely. In the process it explains well the evolving cooling process the universe has been undergoing. Qualitative and quantitative details of the syndrome have been outline using the big bang nucleon-synthesis.
Source by Dharmendar Kumar