Early Childhood Education
[ad_1] Early Childhood Education and Tracking Changes In Social and Emotional Maturation Early childhood education is so important because it makes use of a child’s natural learning ability. This is the time when their brains are exploding with growth and responding to the millions of pieces of information that are coming their way. Everything that comes their way is a new thing to learn about and make sense of so you can see just how powerful this time is for making sure that children are given the opportunity to learn things which will be constructive and positive for them. The brain is working overtime at this stage to organise, process…
Early Childhood Education Facilities In Universities For Childcare Training
[ad_1] Early childhood education centers can be found in different areas. With this in mind, parents will find the benefit of finding the best facilities where they can enroll their kids. Facilities can be located in family centers, offices and actual schools. But aside from these, childcare facilities may also be found in universities within the area. With the help of these facilities, parents have more options in finding the appropriate facilities for their needs. These centers extend services to kids near in universities so they don’t have to go far in the area. Since these facilities are found in universities, parents are assured that early childhood education experts are…
Educational Benefits of Online Rebus Puzzles
[ad_1] Rebus puzzles are word puzzles that use strategically placed letters or words to represent a common phrase, saying, or word. They are a popular type of puzzle for both children and adults and can be very fun and educational at the same time. There are a few basic types of rebus puzzles that employ different types of designs that you must look at in order to solve the puzzle. Each type of puzzle has different educational benefits as well. One of the most common types of online rebus puzzles is one that uses word positions to create another word or phrase. A puzzle that contains the word “man” placed…
Why Child Care is So Important to American Families
[ad_1] The tangled, uneven, and ever-changing growth of child care throughout the world has been consistently tightly interwoven with the role of women in society, the economy, a new understanding of early childhood development, national interests, and human rights. It is not surprising that the ways we care for children has changed dramatically over the years as our understanding of a woman’s role in society has evolved. As society’s interest and support for women’s expanding role waxes, new educational models have been developed, refined, discussed and eventually discarded or utilized for specific populations. As society’s interest has waned for women’s expanding role, support for child care models has languished. We…
Unschooling – Reasons for Learning at Home
[ad_1] “Education is about the production of more democracy, production of peace, production of happiness whereas schooling is often the production of global economic competitiveness.”, Jason Price, an assistant professor at the University of Victoria, as quoted in The Globe and Mail. I wrote in my last post that I wish I could unschool. I really do. I think there are many misconceptions about what unschooling is. I also think there are multiple definitions as families usually define it themselves. I’m not sure exactly how it would look for us but one very important aspect is being a mindful parent and engaging with your children. It is letting their interest…
Why Waldorf Works: A Neuroscientific Perspective
[ad_1] Why Waldorf works has more to do with how the brain develops and functions optimally than Rudolf Steiner ever could have known. Sure the educator and founder of Waldorf Education theorized convincingly about how children learn best, but until MRI’s and other sophisticated measures of the brain were developed, we had no way to prove or disprove any of Steiner’s theories, not with the kind of precision and accuracy we can now. An overwhelming body of evidence from the last 20 years of neuroscientific inquiry supports Steiner’s theories, including some of the most fundamental foci of Waldorf Education. Three foci thrill me the most, both as a parent of…
The Pros And Cons Of Online And Traditional Education
[ad_1] Today, online education has become more than a cheaper and less time-consuming alternative to classroom or traditional education. Online bootcamps nowadays provide students with programming and design skills that will take less time to get as opposed to the usual college setting. But if you are currently on the verge of choosing between taking an online course or a traditional one, consider checking out some of their pros and cons. Online Education Savings – Prices for online courses and training programs are getting cheaper. Also, there are free tutorials being offered already. In fact, there are people who managed to build their careers with free resources alone. Flexibility and…
Will Miller’s SEED20 Ignites a Fire
[ad_1] It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and what Will Miller started several years ago with Social Venture Partners was on fire last night at the Bank of America auditorium downtown. In one jammed packed hour, the overflow crowd of 450 guests heard 3 minute pitches from 10 of Charlotte’s most innovative, courageous community change-makers. “Erma the Bookworma” from Promising Pages enticed the crowd with a goal to collect one million books and end childhood illiteracy in Charlotte. Mike Elliott, one of the six judges, praised the scalability of the approach. Another judge Carol Hardison, agreed with the urgency in reaching children before they fall too…
Childcare Workers – 3 Things To Look For In Childcare Training Programs
[ad_1] You’ll find a lot of options when it comes to childcare training programs. Search online and you’ll already find a lot of programs to help you be among these experts in the field. Just choose the best ones for you and gain your needed expertise to work with kids. However, you may be asking about the things to look for in finding these programs. There are several things to check and help you find the appropriate programs for your needs like the following. State-approved programs Above your preferences, you must check this as one of your top priorities in choosing a childcare training program. State-approved programs that met the…
Benefits of Singing in Kindergarten
[ad_1] Kindergarten children naturally love to sing! It is one of the many ways they learn. Music and singing should be a part of any good quality Pre School or Kindergarten program. Children instinctively like to hum, sing, make up songs, make sounds and experiment with rhyme and language and therefore we should use this to an advantage and bring learning to children through song. Singing is often one of the ways we bond with our children from a very early age-from the soothing lullaby to nursery rhymes or fun educational songs as they get older. What are the benefits of singing at Kindergarten? Singing assists in the development of…