Kids and Second Languages
[ad_1] Perhaps you speak a language other than English at home. Perhaps you live in a bilingual country and feel your child would benefit from learning both official languages. Perhaps you have always been into other languages and want your kids to have that same love. Whatever the reason, experts agree that a child who learns a different language early in life will see benefits that will last a lifetime. Second languages are easier to learn while children are young. In fact, it becomes much harder to learn a new language once a child hits adolescence. Early then is key and today many preschools and kindergartens will offer this education…
Preschool Theme Lesson Plans
[ad_1] Why Use Themed Lesson Plans? Preschool themes are not essential for a successful preschool lesson, but they do help bring everything together and keep students engaged in learning. For that reason, preschool themes are highly encouraged to help teachers save time and energy in their planning. Preschool themes also help teachers show students how different things can be interrelated. It allows them to dig deeper into the theme and explore it from different angles. How to Use Themes Once a teacher has chosen a theme, the next requirement is to determine how to fit a lesson into the constraints of the theme. There should be several components to a…
5 Lies About Special Education Transportation, and How You Can Overcome the Lies and Get Your Child
[ad_1] Are you the parent of a child with autism or a physical disability, that receives special education services? Does your child need transportation services? Do you think that special education personnel are not being truthful about what the federal special education law (IDEA 2004) says about transportation? This article will be discussing 5 lies that are commonly told to parents about transportation. Also, discussion on how to overcome these lies to help your child receive needed, transportation services. Lie 1: We can keep your child on the bus for as long as we want. While IDEA 2004 does not address length of bus ride, long bus rides can be…
Introducing Kids Spelling Games Promotes Early Learning and Greater Development in Life
[ad_1] When it comes to kids today, there are a lot of concerns about their learning, motivational and creative development. Unlike 15 years ago, there are worrying signs that their time is being spent in front of computer games and text messaging, rather than reading and playing in a manner which requires them to use their initiative – and away from a big or small screen. Yes, the progress of technology has meant there is now less responsibility on a child to use their lateral thinking and interpersonal skills. It’s highly important that during a child’s early years, they are taught to think for themselves and outside of the square.…
Helping Your Pre-Schooler With Math-Avoid Learned Mistakes
[ad_1] Now that you are actively working with your preschooler’s math and language skills, you are discovering that some learning is easy and almost immediate while other learning is difficult and needs repetition. Sometimes LOTS of repetition! One important thing you need to understand, though, is that “unlearning” a mistake is very difficult and needs to be avoided at all costs. Please understand that I am not saying your child must not make mistakes. In reality, mistakes are a necessary part of learning. What I am referring to is avoiding LEARNED mistakes. It is important that a mistake not be repeated without correction so many times that it becomes learned.…
Stages of Artistic Development in Preschoolers and Toddlers
[ad_1] Art is an important aspect of learning in early childhood education and must be carefully designed to enhance their artistic development and nurture an appreciation for beauty in their world. Art enriches the lives of all preschoolers and toddlers as it provides experiences for them in finding meaning about themselves and the world around them. “From the moment the child discovers what it looks like and feels like to put lines down on paper, he has found something he will never lose, he has found art” – R. Kellogg 1969. Rhoda Kellogg has studied 100,000 young children’s drawings drawn with pencil, pen, crayon or brush and this extensive study…
Helping Your Pre-Schooler With Math-Time to Reflect and Evaluate
[ad_1] We are now one-third of the way through this series. This is a good time to reflect on and evaluate your progress with helping your pre-school child develop math skills. What strategies worked as you hoped? Have you encountered any problems? Do you still have a clear view of what you are trying to accomplish and why? In the introductory article of this series we discussed the research finding that the critical years for learning logic and establishing a solid math foundation are ages 1 to 4. Equally startling, from continued studies, are results showing that a child’s math skills at kindergarten entry are a better predictor of future…
Educational Preschool Activities – 3 Ways To Help Your 3 Year Old Build A Love For Blocks
[ad_1] 3-year-olds are learning and developing new skills daily and they love to try new things. Choosing age appropriate activities can help them gain confidence in their new found talents. These preschoolers want activities that are new but are not too difficult, frustrating or long. One toy preschoolers love is a set of wooden blocks. Building toys are the perfect toy to enhance their newly budding skills. Here are 3 suggestions to encourage your preschooler to play with these great educational toys. 1-Build Things Familiar To Your Child A 3-year-old child likes to reproduce things they know. For example, they might build a house or barn, but not a castle.…
An Introduction To Teacher Education
[ad_1] A teacher’s job is a highly respected and specialized field, be it teaching kindergarten, grade school, high school, college, or post-graduate courses. Teachers are necessary in all fields of education, and in order to be teachers themselves, they need to be educated by experts in their desired fields. Teacher education is a diverse field, covering numerous subjects and various methods of teaching. Teaching in any field is demanding and is a challenging task. Beyond regular education, some people choose to follow specialized paths, such as early childhood education or special education. These teachers need extra educational background in order to be certified to deal with their specific students. These…
Helping Your Pre-Schooler With Math-Read Math With Your Child
[ad_1] We have already discussed the importance of developing a good math foundation for your preschoolers. The first, easiest, and best way to add math into your child’s early life is to add math to the reading you already do with your child. It is never too early to begin reading to your child, and it is never too early to add math concepts to that reading. It isn’t necessary to run out and buy a bunch of preschool math books, although you might mention to friends and relatives that math related story books would be a good gift idea. You probably already have books with math concepts. For example,…