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Teaching Assistant Job – What Does It Entail?


The types of assistant teaching jobs available are dependent on the age of the child, the ability level of the child, and the needs of the child. Often times, the teaching assistant helps with the lessons or lending a hand with the lessons. Sometimes the assistant will help prepare the professor or teacher for a lesson. In a class where the children are very young, or children that have special needs, the teaching assistant (or TA’s) is very helpful to make sure the class can run smoothly. The assistant is usually a part time job, but there are instances where it can be full time.

People who are finishing up their bachelors or masters degree in education, will often times take a teaching assistant job, allowing them to finish up any requirements that are needed to graduate. Often times, these types of degrees require some hands on in the classroom as a requirement to complete their degree, specifically the area in which they are studying. For example, a person getting their degree in earth science, may take an assistant teaching job at a near by hi school, working with an earth science teacher, in order to fulfill their requirement for their degree.

Often times assistants are under short term contracts, especially those jobs that are employed by graduate students. For schools with young children, or children with special needs, they will most likely have more full time assistant teaching jobs. This is where the assistant can help lead a lesson, or help the instructor run the classroom more efficiently. This is valuable when either preparing for a lesson, or having to go from one activity to another. If a graduate student decides not teach, they may still take on an assistant teaching job, but are more likely to work with undergraduate students. Office hours, grading, some instructing, are all part of the job description of the assistant teacher. It is not as mundane as it seems.


Source by Colin Scott

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