Too Many Toys and Other Learning Games for Kids – Is There Such a Thing?
Researching the web for toys and learning games for kids in order to determine the impact they have on the children’s development, two things struck me: firstly the overwhelming number of toys available, and secondly their relatively low purchase price which made them affordable to just about anyone.
Even though the toys and other learning games for kids represent the means by which young children and toddlers uncover the world around them and get to know themselves, too many toys may hinder the very process they were initially meant for.
The trend is also fairly recent. In the not-so-distant past, toys and other learning games for kids were only received during Christmas, birthdays, and a handful of other holidays such as Thanksgiving.
The infants were normally restricted to a rattle or a soft toy during the initial stages of their life, and that was considered sufficient in the eyes of their parents.
However, the toy industry has changed into big business, and the fact that overseas companies can now easily produce large volumes of toys cheaply, has led to an excess of toys and other learning games for kids that flood the world market.
Children also receive toys not only during specific events along the year but throughout the year, sometimes for no apparent reason.
From a marketing perspective, the infants, toddlers, and young children represent a distinct target market for toy companies. They spent inordinate amounts of money promoting their more or less useful products.
A cot or a play pen packed with toys expose the child to too many colours, textures, shapes, and sounds at the same time.
That kind of surroundings can overpower the child, damaging the learning process rather than encouraging it.
With the environment around them packed with toys and other learning games for kids they can no longer focus on any one of them.
The capacity of the child to remain focused is a significant aptitude that might be hard to attain if child’s attention is spread amongst too many play things.
However, from the child’s point of view it may generate an atmosphere of hectic, busy, annoying surrounding.
Without a doubt, the plethora of toys and learning games for kids are meant well intentioned.
The question is how do we fix this, and my suggestion is to go back to the basics. Children are curious, if we take them into a park they’ll play with leaves, twigs and dirt. They want to explore their environment and all the things that surround them.
They also enjoy playing with every day things like handtools, the telephone, the broom and the mop, that is how they learn to behave like big people.
Limiting therefore the amount of purchased toys, replacing them with every day items, and also carefully selecting the proper learning games for kids will be beneficial for their harmonious development.
Source by Marius Scutea