Using Core Values to Pursue Leadership Development
The intent of my writings is to equip those who follow me with the tools they will need to have a fulfilling life. Now, I know that is at least from my perspective a mighty huge undertaking as I am a humble person by nature and work hard at not ever appearing to be arrogant or pompous about my accomplishments as God knows I indeed have my shortcomings. However, my mission in life is to be a servant and help others succeed at their desire aspirations and assist people with helping them reach their vision and help other reach their mission from their stated vision. I have an ultraistic motivation to observe others succeed particularly youth and our youth are our future leaders and are always full of eagerness to learn and learn some more and more.
Recently working with one of my clients at one of America’s Premier Private Universities I noticed that the staff was demoralized; in essence the program lacked leadership. The program was an early childhood educational School and though I knew many of the staff loved working with Children they still nevertheless dreaded going to work and were there because they needed a job and although they cared deeply about the Children; no one ever made them feel appreciated and valued. Also, they never realized that they had a high intensity job; probably at the same level as working on the top deck of an aircraft carrier. You see carrying for, working with and teaching three year olds is a high intensity job. The reason being a teacher can never ever take their eyes of the Children and when a teacher and two assistants are working with twenty to twenty five little ones things can get pretty hectic to say the least and so, by the end of the day the teachers are beat. Made worst the leaders of the organization never worked with the staff on issues of internal relationship protocols and/or the driven sense of purpose as a team organizationally and though they know how to do their work they still did not know what was expected of them as top management and the core staff (teacher) were disrespected by the elites of the organizations.
The friction between management and staff was quite ugly, unpleasant and counterproductive jeopardizing the program and placing the Children in a compromising position. The first task at hand was to introduce to staff the importance of respect and acknowledgement of their valued service. I started to act questions about what was the one most important aspect to them about their job in relations to how they want to be treated. I wanted to find out what would make them feel more productive and valued; whereby at the end of the day though perhaps tired yet fulfilled. In central issue of my task was to get them to identify what specific core values was of necessity to them to strengthen the program and the organization. My goal was to get them to commit to each other on the core values of how they can agree on how they will work with one another. In other words what can they expect from each other and; what the higher echelons of the organization expect from them as well. Management, administrative staff and teachers needed to work with each other as a team and with a true sense of commitment to each other with an understanding about each other roles and boundaries’. They needed to work toward a level of passion and compassionate with an unwavering drive to continuously improve with in providing quality education to Children and families in a healthy and safe environment. And, they needed to start putting their personal differences aside and start communicating with one another in a professional and courteous collegial manner.
From my perspective the critical aspect in personal and leadership development and reaching that higher level of success so many of us so often seek is having an understanding by what virtues of values will we live by. What core values of importance to you will elevate you to be a dignified representative of your community?
Source by Dr. Richard C. Baiz, D. B. A.