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weeLove: The Power of Plant Nutrition 

Örlö Prenatal DHA

The future of omega-3 supplements is here!

Fish oil supplements are often a go-to for omega-3 nutrition. But here’s a hot tip: you can get those great health benefits, minus the fishy burps. Örlö provides a complete source of plant-based omega nutrition straight from algae (which is where fish actually get their nutrition!). Using a carbon-negative cultivation process, algae is grown sustainably in an aquaculture plant house in Iceland, with zero reliance on fish or the earth’s natural resources. Better yet, growing algae inside eliminates contaminants and pesticides. Cool, huh?

Including Örlö prenatal DHA in your daily routine is a great way to support your baby’s brain and visual development during pregnancy and lactation (Science alert! New studies show that omega-3 supplementation plays a role in reducing the risk of preterm birth!) Örlö prenatal DHA provides 3x the absorption of other algae or fish oils and is vegan, non-GMO, and carbon negative. We love the refillable bottles and recyclable packaging too—win, win, win.

Benefit your body, your baby, and the planet with this one-of-a-kind omega-3 supplement.

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