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What Is Inside A Trauma Bag?


Sometimes a standard first aid kit is not enough. In extreme emergency situations, having a trauma bag ready might be of an immense importance.

A trauma bag is an equipment bag used for treating patients with traumatic injuries. They are most often used by first responders, paramedics, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), or firefighters. They are also used by the military personnel, and kept in large, potentially dangerous industrial workplaces.

A trauma bag must provide all the supplies and equipment that will be needed to treat trauma in emergency situations before regular medical aid can be obtained. That’s why it should contain as much equipment as possible. It is not rare to have over two hundred items inside one!

Which items will find its place inside a particular trauma bag greatly depends on its intended use. There are special purpose trauma bags, intended for responding to radiological, biological, and chemical emergencies.

Will a nurse, a firefighter, a soldier, or a hunter use it? Are they properly trained to safely and efficiently use all the items they will be carrying around? How many people are they planning to treat? There are some that come equipped with supplies that can be used to treat thousands of people. Where it is planned to be used: in an office, school, church, inside an emergency vehicle, in a combat zone and other hostile environments, or in the forest?

A basic one might include: gloves, bandages, gauze, tape, cervical collar, burn care kit, blood pressure cuff kit, bloodstoppers, universal splint, tourniquets, multi trauma dressings, paramedic and emergency blankets, disposable penlight, scalpel handle and blades, eye wash, hydrogen peroxide, instant glucose, instant ice pack, stethoscope and EMT shears.

An advanced one might contain more specialty items and items for more severe trauma like: ventilation equipment such as tubing and bag valve masks, emergency airway set, quick klot, chest seals, medication storage, cricothyroidotomy kits, surgical kits, needle decompression kits, portable defibrillators, heart rate monitors, bags of fluids, intravenous solutions, and body bags. Some of these items are being included even in the commercially available trauma bags.

A trauma bag itself is made to withstand even the harshest conditions in the field. It is configurable to your needs with changeable compartments, adjustable straps, and other features that allow you to organize it as needed. You can buy yours from medical supply catalogs, emergency service catalogs and other suppliers, or you can have it custom made.


Source by Anita Bern

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