What’s Hot This Christmas?
What’s in every letter going out to Santa Clause this year? Electronics, electronics, electronics! Everyone wants the newest cell phone, mp3 player, and game system available. On Christmas morning, kids, teens, and adults hope to find the most updated electronics under the tree. If you’re willing to spend a chunk of money on the top electronics here is a list of five of the hottest electronics to purchase this Christmas season.
1. Nintendo Wii: This is one of the most recent game systems available this Christmas season. All ages can enjoy this interactive, sleek game console. Bring together your family by playing tennis, bowling, and golf on the Holidays in the comfort of you own home. You can create your own character, find your favorite games to play on the Wii, and use it to improve your fitness with Wii Fit. Work out with your favorite type of exercise: yoga, aerobics, strength training, or balance games.
2. Limited Edition PlayStation 3 Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Bundle: At five hundred dollars, this game system has 160 GB for storing games, music, videos, and photos. Also, use it as a DVD player and access to the internet. It comes with a wireless controller, the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Bundle game, free PlayStation network membership, and much more. This gaming experience will be like nothing you’ve played before.
3. Apple iPod touch: This hot ticket item has a sleek, new design compared to the older edition of the iPod. It has built in speakers on the side and a longer battery life than the previous model. This gift is perfect for anyone who loves music.
4. Apple iPhone 3G: One of the hottest Christmas gifts for teens is a new cell phone. Use this phone for your calls, internet needs, music and video options, GPS system when lost, email management, calculator, and camera. What more could you want in a phone?
5. Kindle: Amazon’s Wireless Reading Device: Hold over 200 titles on this reading device that weighs 10.3 ounces and is thinner than most paperbacks. You can also peruse your favorite blogs and newspapers through this great electronic gift. Any reader concerned about the environment would love this gift. An added benefit is the books cost less when purchased for the Kindle device. It doesn’t even require computer access. Read book after book without going to the book store or cluttering your bookshelves.
Source by Kate Richards